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Phone 022-59813960-8888


Sanitary type butterfly valve/damper (sanitary related valve)

Sanitary type butterfly valve for discharging powder and granules


  1. This is a butterfly valve developed for discharging powder and granules for containers of pharmaceutical plants use.

  2. The main parts are made of stainless steel and have a buffing finish on the inner and outer surfaces, which eliminates the adhesion of powder and granules and provides excellent cleanability.

  3. Easy installation and removal in containers and piping due to lightweight design.

  4. The clamp connection enables quick disassembly and assembly, making cleaning easier.

Sanitary type damper for discharging tablets


  1. Damper developed for tablet discharge.

  2. Optimum shape and structure with no sticking or remaining tablets for safe discharge.

  3. Structure of avoiding tablets crush at opening the dumper.

Sanitary ball valves and sanitary butterfly valves for general fluids of sanitary piping are also available. Please contact our sales representative for the details.